Friday, November 26, 2010

November 24 Our Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

The pilgrim boys The pilgrim girls

The Pilgrims

The Native American girls

The Native American Boys

The Native Americans


Look at all of the delicious snacks!
Thank you!!!

Let the feast begin!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23 Sneak Peak

This picture was taken yesterday thanks to Mrs. Insognia!
There will be A LOT more to come after our feast today so please check it out!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 19 Newsletter

This picture was taken on Veteran's Day. My husband came up with my daughter. They met the class for the first time :)
  • A huge thank you for all of the recipes! Everyone sent is such delicious stuff...I can't wait for you guys to see what we are doing with it ;)
  • It is that time of year to get out those heavy coats for recess.
  • I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and laughter!!
Ask Your Child About:
Reading: Long E spelled e, e_e, ea, and ee
Guided Reading: comprehension questions about the story, especially questions that relate to the student
Math: identifying the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter (next week we will be counting like groups of coins)
Social Studies: Studying the First Thanksgiving. I got adventurous and we completed a project on If you are looking for a great way to display pictures, check it out! We also used to express what we are thankful for. This is also a really cool site.
2nd Grade Musical: all about dogs, it was SUPER cute!
Next Week's Specials:
Monday: B day, P.E. and Music
Tuesday: C day, Computer
Mark Your Calendar:
Tuesday, November 23: First Grade Thanksgiving "snack" celebration at 2 p.m.
Wed.-Fri., Nov. 24-26: No school, Thanksgiving Break
Appreciation Station:
Thank you for allowing your child to donate food to the food drive!
Thank you to the following families for helping me out on the class wish list:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Junie B. Jones

A parent has asked me to pass on this information:

Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells
Theatre for Young America
November 23-December 30

The parent is going with her child December 18th. If anybody is interested in going with them, you may be able to get a group discount rate depending on how many people go. Please e-mail me and I will forward your e-mail on to the parent. Thank you :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 12 Newsletter

Don't forget to get out your coins this weekend. Next week we will be learning about coins. How cool would it be to give your child a head start:) The students need to be able to identify the coins and be able to count like groups of coins (expect quarters). Every year, the quarter and nickel seem to be very tricky for first graders.

How are goals going?

Have you turned in a recipe yet :)

Gobble, gobble...thanks for all of the adorable Turkeys!

Ask Your Child About:
Reading:Long Vowels
Guided Reading: Strategy: finding the "chunks"
Math: Numbers to 50 (Knowing what numbers come before, after, and in-between)
Social Studies: Mapping
Counselor Time
Veteran's Assembly
Popsicle Party (They earned 10 stars!)

Specials Next Week: (11:30-12:30)
Monday: A day, Library
Tuesday: B day, Music and P.E.
Wednesday: C day, Computer
Thursday: D day, Music and P.E.
Friday: A day, Library (BOOK FAIR DAY!)

Mark Your Calendars:
Tues.-Fri. Nov. 16-19 BOOK FAIR
Wed. Nov. 17: Picture Re-Takes
Thur. Nov. 18: 2nd Grade Musical
Tue. Nov. 23: First Grade "snack" Thanksgiving
Wed.-Fri. Nov. 24-26: Thanksgiving Break

Class Wish List:
Any small toys for the class store
Brown paper bags
Paper plates

Appreciation Station:
Thank you for donating canned food items to the food drive. Which team is going to have the most canned food...Jayhawks?....Wildcats?...or Tigers?

Thank you to A. P. for the popsicles for our popsicle party.

Thank you again to A. P. for buying books for the class out of scholastic. Wow, what a treat!

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5 Newsletter

Thank you for turning in your child's favorite recipe! They all sound so delicious!!

Thank you for reading the book in a week with your child. I will send a new book home Monday.

Thank you for decorating the turkey. They are hanging outside our classroom.

Thank you for the book orders. I will try to send one more home before Christmas just in case you want to buy books for the holidays.

Ask Your Child About:
Reading: Long Vowels sounds
Math: Counting to 50, knowing numbers that are one more then the given number, and knowing numbers that are one less then the given number. Don't forget to get out your coins at home and challenge your child to tell you what they are and how much they are worth...we will be studying coins in one week.
Social Studies: Maps
Couneslor Time: Thinking before reacting

Next Week's Specials:
Monday: D Day, P.E. and Music
Tuesday: A Day, Library
Wednesday: B Day, P.E. and Music
Thursday: C Day, Computer
Friday: D Day, P.E. and Music

Mark Your Calendar:
Nov. 17, Wed. Picture Re-Takes
Nov. 18, Thur. Second Grade Musical
Nov. 23, Tue. First Grade "snack" Thanksgiving Feast
Nov. 24-26, Wed.-Fri. No School, Thanksgiving Break

Class Wish List:
Small toys for the class store

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3 Reminders

Please don't forget to send in your child's favorite recipe. It can be their favorite dinner, dessert, appetizer...thank you!

Book orders are due tomorrow :)

How are sight words going? Don't forget to send in your child's sight word book on Fridays. If they have past all of the lists already, try the enrichment activities on the back. Thanks.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Book In a Week

Today I received 7 book in a week's. Out of those 7, only four did the paper work.

Book in a week is a great opportunity for your child to read books on their level. It promotes confidence. You can also mark those reading minutes on your child's reading calendar.

Don't forget to send it back to school :)
