Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 22 Newsletter

Hi Everyone!
Thank you so much for coming to parent/teacher conferences! It was truly nice chatting with you!!!

Parent Information:
Goals due Friday, October 29th (as of today, Friday, I received 7 goals)

Book in a week is now in a folder. If you turned in your book in a week, it came back to you in a folder with a game and reading strategies. Return on Fridays please.

Don't forget sight word testing every Friday. If your child can read all of the words, try some of the enrichment activities located on the back of the book.

We will begin to study coins in a couple of weeks. The students will need to identify a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. They will also need to count like groups of coins (penny, nickel, and dime). This weekend, get out their piggy banks and do some coin exploration. I have found students have such a hard time distinguishing between the nickel and the quarter! Happy coin hunting :)

If you think of it, could you please send in some yummy chocolate for our chocolate basket. Here are some ideas: chocolate teddy grahams, coco puffs, chocolate pop tarts, candy, chocolate animal crackers, hot chocolate mix...so many choices :)

The Library Media Specialist at the high school (also a Mom of one of our students in our class) has started wonderful program with her sister called Lobes of Love. Lobes of Love is an organization to encourage breast cancer awareness, raise the spirits of breast cancer patients and to give them a symbol to represent a hope for a cure during pink awareness month. They will be collecting nice, fun earrings. They do not have to be expensive just something to make women feel beautiful and confident. We will be collecting earrings through the month of October. All earrings will be taken to an oncologist and breast cancer surgeon to distribute to their patients. Please feel free to have your child bring in some cute earrings and I will make sure they get to the Library Media Specialist. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Red Ribbon Week Next Week: (Say No to Drugs)

Monday: Wear Red

Tuesday: Lead by example, everyone gets a glow in the dark bracelet

Wednesday: Us your head and make good choices- Crazy Hair Day

Thursday: Help a friend day- bring a stuffed animal

Friday: Be a team leader- wear your favorite sports jersey

Ask Your Child About:

Reading: Introducing/reinforcing letter sounds: ch/tch, th, wh, sh, er/ir/ur, ar, ng, y, qu,
  • We also learned the long a sound spelled a or a_e
Guided Reading: strategies and comprehension

  • Does this make sense

  • Finding chunks in words

Math: subtracting

  • number line

  • touch points

Science: Solids, liquids, and gases

  • Going on a solid scavenger hunt

  • Filling out a solid, liquid, and gas flip book

  • Playing a game the students made called Guess My Matter

  • Oil/Water bottles

  • Making butter: turning a liquid into a solid

Next Week's Specials:
Monday: B Music and P.E.
Tuesday: C Computer
Wednesday: D Music and P.E.
Thursday: A Library
Friday: B Music and P.E.

What's Coming Up:
October 22 Friday GEHS Football game (ESPN)
October 25-29 Red Ribbon Week
October 28 In honor of Down Syndrome day, students may dress "down" in their PJ's
October 28 Thursday Chili/Bingo Night from 5:30-7:30
October 29 Friday Fall Party at 2:30

Appreciation Station:
Thank you the following students for bringing in chocolate treats for our basket :)

***Thank you to C.S.
***Thank you to C.W.
***Thank you to L.C.
***Thank you to E.K.
***Thank you to H.N.
***Thank you to C.P.
***Thank you to G.S.
***Thank you to J.S.