- As a class we have raised $38.50 in quarters! Thank you so much for participating!! It was neat to combine money and social studies by studying maps and quarters. The money will be used to buy three first graders off the angel tree the items they requested. A little boy requested a pair of jeans, a little girl wants a graphic t-shirt, and another little boy wants match box cars. I will go shopping and get those items for them. Thank you again!!!
- Book orders due tomorrow. Thanks :)
- How are goals going at home?
Ask Your Child About...
- Reading: Long a spelled: a, a_e, ai, ay and long i spelled: i, i_e, igh
- Guided Reading: Testing reading levels
- Math: Graphing and Reviewing
- Social Studies: Economic choices
Mark Your Calendars:
- Friday, December 17th: Polar Express Party with Mrs. Dodge, wear PJ's to school
- Friday, December 17th: Students will use school money to shop at Madison Mart
- Tuesday, December 21st: 2:00 All School Sing along and then Winter Parties right after
- Wednesday, December 22nd: No School, start of winter break
- Wednesday, January 5th: Students first day back from winter break
- Friday, January 7th: Homework reward party for all students who have completed 90% of their homework
- Monday, January 10th: Goals Assembly 1:00 in the primary pod
Next Week's Specials:
- Monday: A, Library
- Tuesday: B, P.E. & Music
- Wednesday: C, Computer
- Thursday: D, P.E. & Music
- Friday: A, Library
Class wish list:
- Small used toys for class store
- Fruit snacks/fruit roll-ups for class store
Appreciation Station:
- Thank you again for the quarters! What an overwhelming response!! The kids had so much fun looking at each quarter and placing it on the map!